Friday, January 4, 2008

Dos and Don’ts When Dealing With Chronic Pain or Health Problems

Do keep up-to-date on the latest treatment options, medications, nutritional and complementary therapies and side effects. Medical journals such as are a good resource. YOU are your own best expert on your body and your wellness.

Don’t spend more than a half hour to an hour per week on this research as it can make you feel worse. As difficult as it is, work to keep thoughts about your pain or health from ruling your waking moments.

Do continue to participate in life as much as possible and plan activities that you enjoy.

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you need to limit your activities. Listen to your body in order to avoid flare-ups.

Do make lists that you can turn to when you are not feeling well. Examples might be: “Five People I Can Call That Will Let Me Vent,” “Ten Simple Things That Ease My Pain,” “Three Movies That Make Me Laugh.” You get the picture. When you are in pain or feel ill it is tough to remember what will make you feel better. Make these lists and use them.

Don’t fall for some of the “snake oil” salesmen that promise a quick fix for your ills. If it seems too good, it probably is. Invest your resources wisely.

Do experiment with simple ways to feel better that might include exercise, meditation, EMDR, acupuncture, talk therapy, massage, nutrition, or laughter.

Don’t expect loved ones to always be able to be a good support system. Often they are dealing with their own emotions about your illness. While loved ones can be there for you and support you, keep in mind that they may be dealing with their own reactions if you feel frustrated or disappointed with them.

Do reach out for help as needed. There are many free or low-cost support groups, online message boards, and professional therapists that can help you work on dealing with the emotional impact of what you are going through. Don’t struggle alone.

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